University of Cincinnati

Students in Public Relations Campaigns Class Assist TCP Partners

Students in Public Relations Campaigns Class Assist TCP Partners “It’s important/beneficial for UC students to collaborate with [community] organizations because both parties can benefit. With my experience and tenure at Total Quality Logistics (TQL), I could provide the Civic Garden Center (CGC) with our marketing team so they can set up these volunteer opportunities. TQL […]

Ferguson, Baltimore and Cincinnati

Ferguson, Baltimore and Cincinnati By Earl Wright II On Tuesday, October 4, I will participate on a panel discussion on the implications of the Department of Justice reports on Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland titled, “DOJ Reports on Policing in Ferguson and Baltimore: What They Mean for Cincinnati and the Country.” During the few minutes I have to […]

At the 2016 NAACP Convention

At the 2016 NAACP Convention By Jennifer Malat The Cincinnati Project organized quickly when we received a last-minute invitation to help with a series of community-police relations forums at the NAACP Convention. We were asked to help with qualitative data collection and analysis—in other words, taking detailed notes and writing summaries—in partnership with community members. UC Arts & […]

We are living in a NEW Social Movement

We are living in a NEW Social Movement By Jennifer Malat Recently I had lunch with Patricia Hill Collins, a prominent social theorist at the University of Maryland, and our upcoming symposium keynote speaker. As we talked about the widespread enthusiasm for the idea of The Cincinnati Project, I shared that it has been surprisingly easy to find people […]

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